Do You Have the Right Cyber Insurance Policy?

Do You Have the Right Cyber Insurance Policy?

It is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’ your company will experience a security breach. A well-prepared company is one that has thought through their security incident response and has a plan on how to recover from a successful cyber-attack. Cyber insurance is the...
How Cyber Insurance Helps You Recover from a Cyber Attack

7 Cyber Insurance Takeaways for 2023

Cyber insurance is changing, the application process is more complex and the requirements to get coverage are growing. Here are 7 things to keep in mind as you prepare for your next renewal:  Be Proactive The time to start working on your security is now. Do not wait...
How Cyber Insurance Helps You Recover from a Cyber Attack

Small Business Cyber Insurance Stats [2022]

Cybersecurity is on every business leader’s mind, but what are they actually thinking about? To answer that question, we conducted a survey of over 100 small business leaders and here is what we learned. Where are you on your ‘Security Journey’? The ‘Security...