We Are Aldridge: Josh and Rychi Cloud

Aldridge Culture

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Rychi Cloud: We’re pretty passionate about Disney, we like the movies, the parks are probably our favorite.

Josh Cloud: Yes.

Rychi: There’s things to do, things to see, things to taste and eat.

Josh: Not just for children. I know people think that, it’s not true.

Rychi: It’s a problem we have, [laughs] a good problem. I’ve always loved Disney, and I’ve always had the dream of going to the happiest place on Earth. It was always a struggle for me and my mom so we never had a chance.

A few months prior to us meeting, he had just gone. When we started talking, I don’t know, one day it just came up, we’re like, “You know what we should do for our honeymoon? Go to Disney World.” Then we got married, six months later, we went to Disney and here we are. [laughs]

Josh: We just keep going.

Rychi: My must things to do at Disney World. As far as food goes, there’s a restaurant called The Rose & Crown.

Josh: The first time we went, we were on our honeymoon. We requested a seat for the fireworks because it’s on the water, and the fireworks show is above a lake. We got a really good seat, the staff signed a dessert menu and it said happy honeymoon on it.

Rychi: They do things that you’re like, “How did you pull this off? It’s absolutely amazing.”

Josh: Restaurants that are a must for me although the last one and we didn’t do it, it’s called Sci-Fi Diner. You sit in these booths that are shaped like cars from the ’50s, and like she said, it looks like you’re outside in a drive-in movie, and it shows you B Sci-Fi movie trailers from the ’50s. It’s the best.

It’s corny and fantastic, and that’s me all day long. That necklace right there, do you want to tell that story? [whispers] Because that was all me.

Rychi: Okay. In Epcot, there’s a store inside of there, and you can actually pick an oyster and you get to keep the pearls that are inside the oyster. I got to open an oyster up, and there were actually two identical pearls in there. I have two pearls in here that I handpicked from an oyster.

Josh: We realized after we went that we had such a good time that both of our moms, are people who are much pretty workaholics, they’ve never taken a vacation a day in their life. This past Christmas, we took her mom during Christmas time into their Christmas party and all-

Rychi: Which was amazing.

Josh: -that stuff. It was really cool. The next thing that we’re doing is we’re planning to take my mom in January. The ability for us to just to give back to our families, we like doing that.

Now it’s time for letters. This is from first time we were there, these are my Star Wars ears.

Rychi: Never in our relationship have I seen this man run as fast as [laughs] he did to Chewbacca.

Josh: Got to get there, man. Got to beat those eight-year-olds to the line.

Rychi: He just took off. He just left me. He didn’t even say anything. He was like Chewbacca. [laughs] He was gone.

Josh: It was a five minute wait to go see Chewbacca, I had never met Chewbacca.

Rychi: Which we did, [crosstalk] we got some pictures.

Josh: I’m going to trip some kids as I run by, like, “Me first, me first.”

Rychi: What’s next? These are our honeymoon ears. Don’t worry, he has some too. It has a little ducktail.

The cool thing about Disney is that they give you buttons and stuff like this, so cast members will congratulate you, we have free desserts at places that we ate. [laughs] He acts like he doesn’t like it, he does. In Epcot, do you want to tell this one?

Josh: Sure. You go to the different spots, and for each country, there are stickers for the countries. The people who are there will sign and stamp your passport in the various languages that they speak.

One of the things we’re excited about, we did this with her mom and we’re going to do it with mine as well, is that they have never traveled outside the country. It’s giving them the opportunity, at least a little bit experience some of the cultures, some of the people, and go through that. We did that passport for her mom and we’re going to do it for mine. It’s the little things that happened at Disney that make it why we always go back.
