M&A For MSPs: What You Need to Know If You Ever Want to Sell Your Business

June 20th, 2021 | Aldridge News

Our panel of seasoned M&A experts discuss the basics of how to prepare your MSP for an acquisition and how a first-timer can navigate the M&A process. Here are some of the topics we’ll be covering:

  • Outlook on M&A activity for MSPs – general market & valuations update
  • Impact of COVID19 – current and expected impact of COVID on M&A activity
  • Financial Do’s and Don’t’s – how to prepare for the due diligence process
  • Maximizing valuation – actions you should be taking now to get the highest selling price for your MSP
  • Selling process  – what to expect the process to look like when selling your MSP
  • Finding the right buyer – what to look for in a buyer when selling your business
  • Taking care of your people – how to make sure your clients & employees are properly cared for
  • Lessons learned – lessons our experienced panel learned the hard way, so you don’t have to

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