[Webinar] Cybersecurity Update | You Will Be Breached

March 8th, 2023 | Cybersecurity

2022 has been a big year for the cybersecurity industry; rampant cybercrime has challenged the traditional approach towards security. Security isn’t just about prevention anymore – it is now a given that you will eventually get breached. The current security mindset involves accepting the reality that breaches will happen, and implementing layers of security to build a more resilient business. Watch this webinar to learn about today’s threats, how to effectively manage your cyber risk, and 4 steps you can take today to prepare your business from what’s coming next.

“One of the best overall cybersecurity overviews I have seen in awhile. Thank you, Chad! – Live attendee

Highlights from the Webinar

  1. What is a “Breach”? | 3:37
  2. Why “You Will Be Breached” | 9:45
  3. 2023 Cyber Threat Landscape | 13:21
  4. Managing Cyber Risk – Cost & Likelihood | 18:40
  5. Creating a Security Plan | 31:17
  6. Building Resilience – Implementing “Security Layers” | 33:32
  7. Inventory Your IT Assets | 39:57
  8. Creating a Security Incident Response Plan | 47:40