The Cost of a Security Breach for Long-Term Care Providers

The Cost of a Security Breach for Long-Term Care Providers

You know who loves sensitive resident data? Cybercriminals. Unfortunately, long-term care facilities are like their favorite store to shoplift from. Because long-term care facilities possess sensitive resident data, they are prime targets. Regulatory fines on top of...
3 Top Complaints Long-Term Care Providers Have About Their IT

3 Top Complaints Long-Term Care Providers Have About Their IT

One of the top complaints long-term care providers have about their IT systems is poor usability. Providers need IT systems that are easy to use, intuitive, and can help streamline their workflows. Unfortunately, many IT systems in long-term care are overly complex...
Should a Long-Term Care Provider Outsource Their IT?

Should a Long-Term Care Provider Outsource Their IT?

Technology plays a crucial role in the delivery of resident care and the management of facilities. One question that long-term care providers often ask themselves is whether they should outsource their IT services or handle them in-house. Should a Long-Term Care...